I had a moment yesterday. I was thinking about all the transformations that had occurred in my life… all the things I got right thus far and the things that… I got wrong. For a minute, I didn’t feel as though I had done anything to be proud about. My negatives outweighed the positives. Yeah, I graduated high school at seventeen but it took me almost twenty-two years to get my bachelor’s degree. I got married and raised two children with my husband, but I am still in an apartment. I lost weight (mostly due to MS) but I am still not as active as I should be. I can’t remember the last time I did any good exercise. I pay my bills but I am still not where I want to be with my credit. You get where I am going with this?
No matter how much you do in life, you will always find an area where you could have done better. Does that mean you are a failure? For a while, I thought that was exactly what it meant. Then I took my complaints to God and He gave me clarity, as he oftentimes does. Even though I am not where I want to be, or where I think I supposed to be, I am where I am designed to be, at this point and time in my life.
My husband was reading the Bible last night and he was in the book of Ecclesiastes. He was reading the part where it speaks about there being a time and place for everything. The writer speaks about a lot of events, even death. There is a time and season for everything!
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 For everything there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die…
We may want to rush things and make things go faster than they are going… currently, but how many times has God told us to simply wait? Now, that has been my issue because I feel, in my little mind, that I can control things and get things done quicker. How prideful and ignorant of me! I have little to do with the advancement in my life. It does not matter how many degrees you get, how good your credit score is, where you live… none of that, God has the last say. There are people with all of the desired degrees, that did not wake up this morning or are on their sick bed. They probably had plans that they wanted to fulfill also but God has the final say.
So with that, I rose from prayer with a smile. This verse, also found in Ecclesiastes, comforted my soul this morning… “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
I decided to personally paraphrase this verse, as I oftentimes do, to fit my situation. “God has made everything beautiful in my life. He has also put eternity in my heart! (Even though I try to) I cannot find out what God has done from my beginning to my end.” Unlike before, I am okay with that! I will trust His sovereignty in my life knowing that HE is in control, not me, and if I am in HIS will, I am where I supposed to be! Amen and blessings!