Mother’s Day Prayer

Mother’s Day 2022

God, we are thankful that you have given us the opportunity to share life through your creations. There are areas that we fail in but with your help we become wiser and full of you as we direct our children to you. Thank you for not forsaking us when we get it wrong. We see, through our kids, the journey that our parents had to face when they parented us in our youth. Forgive us for not understanding the many tests and trials that they had to endure. Cover us as we cover your seeds God. Give us the understanding we need to lead them to you in all things. In Your name we pray, Amen!

Had to share that with you all this year because all of us need prayer, as parents. I had a tearful reminder yesterday that my mother experienced all the anxiety that I have now as a mother. I was once seventeen and eighteen. Did I forget to call when I got somewhere? Did I say goodbye before I left? Did I cling more to my friends than my family? Truth is, I probably did. Now I see how this could have hurt my parents. They probably thought, “Did I do enough?, Did I do too much?, Why is she acting like that?, I know she knows better!” The impact of the reflection is necessary for all parents. I once heard Bishop Jakes say that God works in seasons, cycles and circles and I see that  more every day. 

What we don’t understand, God already knows. He has been here before and the people in your life have too. Take a little time to have a conversation with someone older than you. The troubles we face are not new and you can gain great insight from someone who just wants to share their story with you. God make me more willing to make time for those who share this wealth. Enjoy your holiday ladies and remember to always keep God in the forefront of it all. Blessings.


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